New all-metal high-wing aircraft


All-metal high-wing ultralight developed with the requirement for a short take-off and landing.

The advantage of this aircraft is also its high cruising speed and for this category the unusually high flight performance. Thanks to these characteristics the STOL CRUISER is suitable for all-round use including sports flying with landing on unpaved areas or comfortable long-distance travel. The aircraft will be certified in UL and LSA categories. It is powered by ROTAX 912 ULs engine but the design makes it possible to use more powerful power plants.



Length 7,234 m
Wingspan 9,752 m
Height 2 m
Wing area 13,064 m2
MTOW 600 kg
Vne 261 km/h
Cruise speed 182 km/h
Maximum horizontal speed 222 km/h
Stall speed, landing configuration 56 km/h
Stall speed, clean configuration 74 km/h
Take-off distance over obstacle 15 m 151 m
Landing distance over obstacle 15 m 276 m
Power unit Rotax 912ULS2/3
Cabin width 1,2 m
Number of seats 2
Tank capacity 110 L


To reduce the drag, the wing was designed as self-supporting without oblique struts. The trapezoidal wing is equipped with slots and fowler flaps to reduce stalling speed.

The fuselage geometry has been chosen to provide good view for the pilot at higher angles of incidence. The rear of the fuselage is tailored to fit tail surfaces of traditional arrangement.

The fuselage geometry has been chosen to provide good view for the pilot at higher angles of incidence. The rear of the fuselage is tailored to fit tail surfaces of traditional arrangement.


STOL Cruiser is developed in cooperation with Czech Technical University in Prague. This project was co-financed with state support of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic in EPSILON programme.


If you are interested in a price quote or have any questions, write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



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