ALTO NG in Poland

Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego certified ALTO NG in Poland by issuing type certificate UL-A.00-002/2024 The Type Approval Recognition Certificate certifies that the ultralight aircraft type/model ALTO NG has been found acceptable in Republic of Poland in accordance with the applicable Polish Civil Aviation regulations. ALTO NG was entered into the list of approved types of flying

ALTO NG – new instrument panel

The new instrument panel refers to the iconic aircraft of Zlín The ALTO NG is known as an aircraft that is pleasant to fly. The ALTO NG’s larger instrument panel enables a better arrangement of instruments and greater combinations. The glass cockpit display (which is increasingly in demand) can be placed directly in front of

ALTO NG is certified in Germany

The German Association of Ultralight Aviation DULV issued on 23.10.2024 type certificate for ALTO NG.ALTO NG aircraft of DIRECT FLY s.r.o. was certified in accordance with the German Certification Code. Type certificate no: 1011-24 1 was issued for ALTO NG model 912ULS / Woodcomp KW-21. In Germany, the certification process itself requires precise preparation of

ALTO NG on the Masaryk circuit

Aircraft of Direct Fly s.r.o. – ALTO NG was an exclusive adrenaline point at Masaryk Racing days The Masaryk Racing Days event is a traditional celebration of speed, when a strong competition of drivers from the Central European region will take to the starting grids. This year the GT cars were presented in two sprint

V květnu jsme dosáhli další významné mety – 200 vyrobených letadel. Naše 200. vyrobené letadlo je vlečné ALTO NG s hydraulicky stavitelnou vrtulí Woodcomp, glass cockpitem Garmin G3X s autopilotem, záložními letovými přístroji Winter a avionikou Trig. Pro bezpečnost posádky je instalován padákový záchranný systém a ELT. Lak – BMW modrá metalíza ladí s vozem


Twenty-eight Alto aircraft, forty-seven aircraft in total, almost a hundred visitors. New metallic Alto NG accompanied by a tail dragger Alto TW. That is a short summary of 1st ALTO FLY-IN, that Direct Fly hosted on a third Saturday in May 2023 at Medlánky Airfield. Fly ins started shortly after 9AM. Weather across the Czech

Suspicious E-mails Alert

In past few days we received information about a number of phishing e-mails that are aiming to steal sensitive information from our customers and colleagues under Direct Fly’s name. Please always check sender’s e-mail address. Always think about what you’re clicking on. Always check URL adress in a link. Contact us on in case

Even pilots in Australia are carefully observing our developments with the STOL Cruiser project. Short article has beeen published in an online version of a local Sport Pilot magazine about the newly designed aircraft and its flight tests. Australia seems to be an ideal market for STOL type aircraft. Aircraft that are able to take-off

Flying and testing STOL Cruiser

Last couple days, whenever the weather allows, we fly and test the new aircraft intensively. Flight performance and characteristics are really positive so far. We were pleased by stall and cruise speed, as well as by take-off distance and climb rate. For a tail dragger the view from the cockpit is excellent, both on the

Mondial de l’ULM 2022

Come say hello to us and our colleagues from Aerodyne Services at this years Mondial de l’ULM in Blois this weekend. We’re looking forward to meeting you in France and showing you our new Alto NG.

LAA sobě 2022

The annual meeting of ultralight aircraft owners and producers took place last August weekend at Jihlava airfield. Despite quite a bad weather in Brno, we were able to fly in with two Alto’s from Medlánky airfield. In total there were nine Alto aircraft present in Jihlava. We were also happy to present our new Alto

Rotax Engine Price Increase

We would like to inform our customers that the price of Rotax 912 ULS engines has been increased by 4,7 percent since August 1st 2022. This increase will be reflected in all price calculations. Thank you for understanding.

Introducing Alto NG

The outcome of the new Czech certification UL-2 MTOW 600 kg together with more than fifteen years of experience with production and operation of Alto aircraft. Good flight qualities and stalling characteristics, known from previous Alto model, in combination with improvements and modernization. Complying with the latest ASTM LSA standards. That is the new Alto

New LSA prototype was introduced for the first time this week at International Engineering Fair. STOL Cruiser is a new aircraft developed by Direct Fly in cooperation with Department of Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering CTU in Prague. STOL Cruiser was designed as an all-metal, single engine, two seat, high wing aircraft with conventional

Are you in Denmark, Sweden or Norway? Do you want to see our Alto 912 TG in person without having to travel to the Czech Republic? Then we have great news for you! Our colleagues are heading to Scandinavia next week with our company’s demo aircraft. And they are really looking forward to meet up

„First thing we noticed was the excellent craft made of the aircraft focused on details. It is obvious that Direct Fly has been on the LSA market for some time now and their products belong among quality aircraft.“ Our Alto with serial number DF115 has been flying in Slovakian ULpilot flight school for some time

Alto in the world

Even with the world full of troubles, the year 2020 brought many good news to our company. And with them some of our new colleagues abroad. Not surprisingly, the covid-19 pandemic did not only influence everyday life here in the Czech Republic, but air shows in the USA as well. Therefore, our new distributor did

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Direct Fly Team wishes you many happy moments in the sky and big smile on your face in the new year! Thank you for your support and we’re looking forward to what the next year will bring us. Merry Christmas!

We have enlarged our production capacities with new painting box made by experienced Italian producer SAIMA for painting of all-metal light sport aircraft. It’s modern certified technology allows tempering up to 60 °C and our customers can choose from more than 10 thousand colours, including the recently popular car shades, in glass, semi-matte and matte. For

New Alto Graphic Designs

Beside the hard work we do on developing the new high wing Stol Cruiser, we could not forget about our Alto. That is why we came up with its new designs in cooperation with local graphic designer. And we couldn’t be happier about them. More over our customers can now choose from more than 10

May is usually the month when the Medlánky aeroclubs glider pilots leave for their camp in the neighbouring Slovakia. However, this year nothing is as it was before. So in the third week of May, the glider pilots met at our doorsteps, at the Medlánky airport. At Direct Fly, we were happy about the change,

Current Situation Statement

Dear friends of ultralight flying, dear colleagues, not many people would expect that a year that was meant to be filled with many new plans, festivals and salons, would start with situation that currently hugely affects the lives of all of us. We cannot run away from it, unfortunately not even in the air. Even



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Proto, prosím:

  • nereagujte na nestandardní poptávky zaslané pod jménem Direct Fly,
  • nezasílejte platby na neznámé účty,
  • kontrolujte e-mail odesílatele a adresu odkazu.

Účty společnosti Direct Fly s.r.o. jsou:

CZ55 0800 0000 0016 7303 5253  GIBACZPX  EUR   český tvar 1673035253/0800

CZ83 0800 0000 0018 9984 3253  GIBACZPX  USD   český tvar 1899843253/0800

CZ48 0800 0000 0020 5634 8339  GIBACZPX  CZK   český tvar 2056348339/0800


The number of fraudulent emails from manufacturing companies has increased.

Therefore, please:

  • do not respond to non-standard requests sent under the name Direct Fly,
  • do not send payments to unknown accounts,
  • check the sender's email and the link address.

The account numbers of Direct Fly s.r.o. are:

CZ55 0800 0000 0016 7303 5253  GIBACZPX  EUR   Czech form 1673035253/0800

CZ83 0800 0000 0018 9984 3253  GIBACZPX  USD   Czech form 1899843253/0800

CZ48 0800 0000 0020 5634 8339  GIBACZPX  CZK   Czech form 2056348339/0800