In addition to the production of ALTO  aircraft Direct Fly also focuses on ultralight aircraft development.

In this field our company cooperates with leading technical universities in the Czech Republic, Czech Technical University in Prague and Brno University of Technology. The universities provide progressive computing and design platform necessary for the new ultralight aircraft development. Feedback to these institutions is given in the form of produced prototypes that are tested by Direct Fly in practice. As a result the permanent connection with the academic sphere ensures the introduction of latest trends in the field of light sports aircraft.


In the field of aviation Direct Fly works with major domestic and foreign partners. Their long-term experience provides a guarantee of high-quality products used in Direct Fly aircraft.

In the field of internships and schooling Direct Fly cooperates with highschool in Moravská Třebová.



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Proto, prosím:

  • nereagujte na nestandardní poptávky zaslané pod jménem Direct Fly,
  • nezasílejte platby na neznámé účty,
  • kontrolujte e-mail odesílatele a adresu odkazu.

Účty společnosti Direct Fly s.r.o. jsou:

CZ55 0800 0000 0016 7303 5253  GIBACZPX  EUR   český tvar 1673035253/0800

CZ83 0800 0000 0018 9984 3253  GIBACZPX  USD   český tvar 1899843253/0800

CZ48 0800 0000 0020 5634 8339  GIBACZPX  CZK   český tvar 2056348339/0800


The number of fraudulent emails from manufacturing companies has increased.

Therefore, please:

  • do not respond to non-standard requests sent under the name Direct Fly,
  • do not send payments to unknown accounts,
  • check the sender's email and the link address.

The account numbers of Direct Fly s.r.o. are:

CZ55 0800 0000 0016 7303 5253  GIBACZPX  EUR   Czech form 1673035253/0800

CZ83 0800 0000 0018 9984 3253  GIBACZPX  USD   Czech form 1899843253/0800

CZ48 0800 0000 0020 5634 8339  GIBACZPX  CZK   Czech form 2056348339/0800