On August 25th 2017 we welcomed a Russian test pilot Yuri Kabanov from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation at Brno Medlánky Airport and he was very satisfied with the ALTO performance after the tests.
Zvýšil se počet podvodných mailů z výrobních firem.
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Účty společnosti Direct Fly s.r.o. jsou:
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The number of fraudulent emails from manufacturing companies has increased.
Therefore, please:
The account numbers of Direct Fly s.r.o. are:
CZ55 0800 0000 0016 7303 5253 GIBACZPX EUR Czech form 1673035253/0800
CZ83 0800 0000 0018 9984 3253 GIBACZPX USD Czech form 1899843253/0800
CZ48 0800 0000 0020 5634 8339 GIBACZPX CZK Czech form 2056348339/0800